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2L Info

Law Students for Reproductive Justice (LSRJ) Seeking Law Students for Its Board of Directors

Law Students for Reproductive Justice (LSRJ), a national nonprofit working to advance reproductive justice at law schools across the country, is now seeking student applicants for its National Board of Directors. Board Membership is an invaluable experience.  It allows a diverse team of talented law students and professionals to work together in the reproductive justice […]

Santa Clara University School of Law Centennial Student Writing Competition

The Santa Clara University School of Law Centennial Student Writing Competition is open to all upper division and LLM students in ABA-accredited law schools and entries must be received by January 31, 2011. There are three topics in the broad category of legal ethics: intellectual property, public interest/social justice, and international law. One winning entry […]

Help PSLawNet Redesign Its Website!

PSLawNet is an online resource connecting public interest law job-seekers with their ideal opportunities in the public interest arena, in government, at law schools, and around the globe.  They are seeking input from students as they are redesigning their website.  Please see their request below: PSLawNet is beginning a large-scale website redesign to ensure that […]

U.S. Department of State Foreign Service Information Session

Jeffry R. Olesen, a Senior Foreign Service Officer and Diplomat-in-Residence at Florida International University and Miami-Dade College, will give an Information Session on State Department careers on Monday, March 7 from 12:30 pm to 1:30 pm in Room A110.  The presentation will cover both Foreign Service Officer and Specialist job opportunities, Civil Service, and student […]

Free Real Estate and Probate Seminars Available to Law Students

The Attorneys’ Title Fund Service is hosting a series of seminars in January.  Law students are eligible to attend any seminar, on a space available basis, at no charge. Seminars will be held on three real estate and probate topics:  “Distressed Property Transactions 2011, Short Sales, Deeds in Lieu, REOs”, “Understanding & Using Residential Real […]

4th Annual Central Florida Diversity Picnic

For students and alumni interested in networking with attorneys and others in the legal community, this event presents a perfect opportunity to do so: Hillsborough County Bar Association Diversity Committee Proudly Presents The 4th Annual Central Florida Diversity Picnic Family Fun Event ~ Free of Charge February 26th 2011 1:00 – 4:00 p.m. Chester H. […]

Critical Dates for Judicial Law Clerk Hiring (Fall 2011)

Information on the Law Clerk Hiring Plan for 2011 has been released. Some key information is below and the rest may be found on the Plan’s website. 10:00 a.m. (EDT), September 6, 2011 – Applications received (OSCAR release). 10:00 a.m. (EDT), September 9, 2011 – First date judges can contact applicants to schedule interviews. 10:00 […]

PSLawNet Post-Graduate and Summer Opportunities

PSLawNet, the online resource connecting public interest law job-seekers with their ideal opportunities in the public interest arena, is taking applications for two positions with their office: The PSLawNet Fellowship is a one-year position for a public-service minded law graduate with an interest in nonprofit administration.  Here’s the position announcement. The Summer Publications Coordinator is […]

International Internship Opportunities for Summer 2011

Interested in working abroad this summer for academic credit?   Possibly in Paris, Hong Kong, or Buenos Aires?  The Career Development Office is hosting an information session on Tuesday, January 25 at 12:30 in Room 108.  Suffolk University Law School and The Center for International Legal Studies offer this unique opportunity for law students to acquire […]

Free Continuing Legal Education Courses for Law Students

Sterling Education Services, Inc. is a non-profit continuing education company that conducts seminars across the nation. The company is holding the following seminars in Florida and would like to offer five law students free scholarship-passes to each seminar. The students get a day-long overview of a particular aspect of the law, a seminar manual, and […]