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1L Info

This Week at the CDO (Week of September 19, 2011)

Tuesday, September 20th: Entertainment Law Seminar – Room F309, 12:30-1:50pm  Sunday, September 25th: Presidential Management Fellows Online Application Closes – See website for details. Contact Karen Warren at the CDO regarding any questions.

The Entertainment, Arts & Sports Law Section of the New York State Bar Association, In Conjunction with BMI, Announce the 2011 Annual Phil Cowan Memorial/BMI Scholarship Writing Competition

A unique opportunity to get your work published and receive a $2,500.00 scholarship. Open to all law students attending eligible law schools.  Each scholarship candidate must write an original paper on any legal issue of current interest in the area of entertainment, arts or sports law. Papers must be 12–15 pages in length, double-spaced, and […]

Navy JAG to Conduct Interviews at 2011 NLLSA Conference

The Navy JAG Corps will be conducting interviews at the upcoming 15th Annual NLLSA Convention. For more information about permanent positions and internship/externship program, please visit the website and also the NLLSA website.      If you are interested in interviewing for a permanent position with the Navy JAG Corps, please complete the following steps BEFORE your […]

The Career Development Office Invites You to a Special Presentation: Work-Life Balance & Successful Law Careers for Women

The Career Development Office Invites You to a Special Presentation: Work-Life Balance & Successful Law Careers for Women. Susan Smith Blakely, Esq., will discuss work-life balance and other key findings from her book: Best Friends at the Bar: What Women Need to Know about a Career in the Law. Improving the retention of women in the […]

This Week at the CDO (Week of September 12, 2011)

Monday, September 12th:  11th Judicial Circuit Intern Program Begins Intern Program Begins – For details, contact Amy Perez  at the CDO. Wednesday, September 14th: University of Miami Career Expo – from 11am – 3pm, at the BankUnited Center – Bring plenty of copies of your resume and your Cane Card. Students not professionally dressed and/or […]

Attend the University of Miami Fall Career Expo!

Career Expo September 14, 2011, 11am – 3pm BankUnitedCenter Career Expo has traditionally attracted about 200 companies from various industries such as personal and business financial services, banking, retail and merchandising, government, telecommunications and marketing and more. This expo is specially designed to expose University of  Miami students to a broad spectrum of career paths, […]

Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights of the San Francisco Bay Area Needs Law Student Clerks

Mission: The Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights of the San Francisco Bay Area (“Lawyers’ Committee”) advances, protects and promotes the rights of communities of color, immigrants and refugees – with a specific focus on low income communities and a long-standing commitment to African Americans – by leveraging the power of the private bar to support […]

The Spring 2012 Florida Supreme Court Internship Program for Distinguished Florida Law Students – Applications Now Available!

Applications for the Spring 2012 Florida Supreme Court Internship Program for Distinguished Florida Law Students are now available.  Applications are available in the Career Development Office (Room A112).    The Program offers an amazing opportunity to work as a law clerk for the Florida Supreme Court.  Interns have the opportunity to attend oral arguments, discuss cases with the Justices and […]

Sarasota County Bar Diversity Scholarship – Deadline January 14, 2012

The Sarasota County Bar Diversity Scholarship (SCBA) offers the Richard Garland Diversity Scholarship to deserving first-year law students who meet the qualifying criteria.  The Community Foundation of Sarasota County awards scholarships of up to $5,000 which is applied to the recipient’s tuition for his or her second year of law school.  The deadline for the […]

This Week at the CDO (Week of September 5, 2011)

Tuesday, September 6th: U.S. Department of Justice – Deadlines to apply is TODAY at midnight! Attorney General’s Summer Law Intern Program (2Ls) and Honors Program  (3Ls).  ). For further information and link to the on-line application, click here.     Tax LL.M. Luncheon Resume Workshop – Room F109 at 12:30pm. Wednesday, September 7th: Peace Corps’ 50TH Anniversary Career […]