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General Announcements

U.S. Department of Justice Tax Division, Criminal Enforcement Sections in Washington, DC, Seeking Experienced Trial Attorneys/GS-13 to GS-15

The Tax Division is seeking experienced trial attorneys with superior academic and professional qualifications for positions in its Criminal Enforcement Sections. Trial attorneys in the Criminal Enforcement Sections work with federal agents to investigate and prosecute offenses arising under the internal revenue laws and related federal statutes. Our attorneys’ responsibilities encompass the investigative use of […]

U.S. Department of Justice Tax Division, Civil Trial Sections in Washington, DC, Seeking Litigators

The Tax Division is hiring civil trial lawyers with at least one year of litigation experience and top academic credentials.  The Tax Division represents the United States in tax-related litigation in federal and state courts across the country.  These cases involve a wide variety of substantive legal areas, including federal tax law, bankruptcy law, constitutional […]

The Boston Lawyers Group Announces its 2010 1L Diversity Clerkship Program

The Boston Lawyers Group (‘BLG”) announces its 2010 1L Diversity Clerkship Program.  The clerkship is for first-year law students of color.  Clerks will spend the first five weeks of the ten-week program working in the Boston office of one of the BLG member participating law firms or corporations, and the second five weeks working with […]

The Natural Resources Defense Council is Seeking 1L Students for Summer Internships

Summer legal interns at the Natural Resources Defense Council (“NRDC”) write briefs, draft complaints, prepare legal analyses, obtain affidavits, investigate corporate and government malfeasance, participate in policy advocacy campaigns and draft white papers and comments for submission to Congressional committees and administrative agencies. NRDC hires passionate students who possess the intelligence, skill, self-confidence and maturity […]

The City of South Miami Seeking 2L and 3L Law Students for Internships

The City of South Miami seeks enthusiastic second and third-year law students to assist with the following: Legal Intern (Revising City Charter/Part-time):  In addition to conducting research and drafting revisions to the City’s Charter, students will be responsible for attending and assisting with Commission meetings twice a month.    Intern (Pension Reform/Part-time):  Interns will conduct research and assist with the City’s […]

The FJE Project Fellows Program

The ABA Commission on the Impact of the Economic Crisis on the Profession and Legal Needs and the ABA Fund for Justice and Education (“FJE”) have collaborated to create the FJE Project Fellows. The FJE Project Fellows program will provide meaningful volunteer experience for recent law school graduates who may be unemployed, underemployed or deferred […]

Summer Internship With the Mississippi Center for Justice

The Mississippi Center for Justice, a nonprofit, homegrown law firm, invites applications from law students to take part during the summer in our work advancing racial and economic justice in Mississippi. Law students will become a part of history as they bring their time and talents to campaigns that address sustainable, systemic changes in policies related […]

“Home for the Holidays” – Milwaukee Area Law Firm 1L Receptions

The annual Milwaukee area 1L “Home for the Holidays” receptions will be held on Tuesday, December 29th at the law firms of Godfrey & Kahn, S.C. and Quarles & Brady LLP.    The Quarles & Brady reception will be held from 4:30-6:30 p.m. and the Godfrey & Kahn reception will be held from 6:00-8:00 p.m.  The invitation with the details and directions for the […]

Sweet Home Chicago

This annual holiday event, sponsored this year by Barack Ferrazzano Kirschbaum & Nagelberg LLP, Chapman & Cutler LLP, Duane Morris LLP and Marshall Gerstein & Borun LLP, brings together minority law students, law firm attorneys and personnel, and in-house counsel in a festive setting to provide students with an opportunity to begin building a professional […]

Law Fellows in Liberia (paid position)

General Summary:  The Government of Liberia, working in cooperation with the JSI Research & Training Institute, Inc. (“JSI”) and the Center for Global Development (“CGD”), is seeking two professionals with strong legal backgrounds to serve as Law Fellows working in the Ministry of Justice (“MOJ”) in Liberia for one year beginning in February 2010. The […]