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ABA Business Law Section Now Accepting Applications for the 2017 Diversity Clerkship Program

The ABA Business Law Section sponsors the Diversity Clerkship Program. This summer program provides business law clerkship placements for nine qualified diverse first or second year law students.  Participating clerks will receive support and mentoring in the business law field and exposure to business practices. The Business Law Section Diversity Clerkship Program focus is on judicial clerkships, where […]

The Presidential Management Fellows (PMF) Program Application Process Opens Friday, November 18, 2016 – for 3Ls and Recent Graduates!

Are you interested in a career in the federal government?  The Presidential Management Fellows (PMF) Program matches outstanding graduate students with exciting Federal opportunities.  This rigorous, two-year paid fellowship includes challenging assignments, developmental assignments, and networking opportunities. Finalists appointed as PMFs are hired by Federal Agencies and engage in solving domestic and/or international issues in areas […]

Latham & Watkins hosts annual Diversity Leadership Academy from March 31 to April 2, 2017 in San Francisco

Diversity Leadership Academy, taking place from March 31 to April 2, 2017 in San Francisco, brings together Latham lawyers from around the globe and talented first-year law students from across the United States, with a specific focus on developing and empowering future leaders of the legal profession and creating community among our lawyers, recruits, and […]

Latham & Watkins’ 1L Fellowship Program – Applications Due January 17, 2017!

Latham & Watkins’ 1L Fellowship Program offers a unique summer employment opportunity for students who have just finished their first year of law school to spend about half their summer in one of our U.S. offices and the remaining half in-house in the legal department of one of our clients. 1L Fellows will also be […]

The FBA Section on Taxation Announces the 2017 Donald C. Alexander Writing Competition

The prizes are: 1st place: $2,000 2nd place: $1,000 And a trip to the FBA’s Annual Tax Law Conference in Washington, D.C.  Winning entries may be published in the Tax Section newsletter, the Report, or in The Federal Lawyer. Other entries may also earn an honorable mention at the conference. Requirements are as follows: Full […]

Attend the Veterans Advocacy Discussion Panel on November 9th!

The event takes place on November 9th 2016, from 12:30PM – 1:50PM, in the Alma Jennings Foundation Student Lounge. Serve those who have served our Country! Veterans law is a unique and high demand area of law. Learn about veteran advocacy opportunities from the experts in the field. The program will center around veterans law […]


Hosted by Rena J. Cervoni, Deputy Director and Trisha A. Fillbach, Assistant Director, Office of Attorney Recruitment and Management. In this brief 30 minute session, we will discuss our Volunteer Legal Internship Program, application process and answer your questions about opportunities. Please RSVP via email for one session by 5 PM on Monday, November 14, […]

This Week at the CDO (Week of October 31, 2016)

Thursday, November 3: CDO Presents: State Attorney’s Office Information Session – 12:30 PM – 1:30 PM, Law Campus A-110 – 1L and 2L students are invited to join the 15th Judicial Circuit State Attorney’s Office for an information session regarding summer internship opportunities with their office. Students will learn more about the work of an […]

Free Membership for Students at the ABA Litigation Section

The ABA Section of Litigation offers a variety of benefits to get law students to the top of their careers. Here at the Section, we value law students and we know what it takes to become a greater litigator. Whether they are thinking about going into litigation practice, or figuring out what to do after […]

This Week at the CDO (Week of October 24, 2016)

Wednesday, October 26: CDO Presents: 1L CDO Orientation – 12:30 PM – 1:50 PM, Law Campus F-209: The CDO 1L Orientation will introduce current first year law students to the services and programs of the CDO and provide the initial tools needed to begin a job search. This is one of two sessions taking place […]